
Platform where SEMF members can self-organize and participate in study groups, seminars, debates and social gatherings. If you want to suggest or organize some community event or activity please join SEMF and submit your idea to the #self_organize channel in SEMF's Discord server.

Community Livestreams

Biweekly livestreams on our YouTube channel featuring community highlights, general SEMF news and announcements.


Our main platform where our community gathers and self-organizes. Discussions, recommendations, job listings, study groups, socials, memes...

Concept Colliders

Signature SEMF meetings where ideas are explored in a dynamic and collaborative environment - both online and in person.

Focus Groups

Study and research groups dedicated to a relatively narrow set of topics. Organized on Discord and advanced via Concept Colliders.

In-Person Workshops

Activities led by SEMF associates in their local area, typically in the form of a Concept Collider or brief lectures.

Intellectual Retreats

Small gatherings where SEMF community members delve into scientific topics, create music and art together, exercise, meditate and reflect for a few days.

...And More

SEMF's vibrant community is in a permanent state of flux. Organizing game nights, parties, vacations, etc. among community members is encouraged!